
Life in Action - Miracle Stories

“Look at my little baby brother!” “Kiera” and her three sons stopped into Waterleaf for a visit during the Christmas holidays. What a gift for the staff to greet this beautiful family, all smiling from ear to ear. Earlier in 2019, Kiera was not sure she could handle having, yet alone raising, a 3rd child … Continued

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Are you interested in volunteering at Waterleaf Women’s Center? Read more about all the ways our volunteers serve every day and let us know if any are a good fit for you!

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Give The Gift of Life

We’re honored to partner with so many pro-life people who want to see abortion ended through caring for the needs of abortion-vulnerable women. Your donations make our work possible every day and we are so grateful for you. If you are not yet donating, learn how today!

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Events for 2025

Events are a special way to stay connected to our work and the people we serve. We hope you’ll make plans to join us at one soon and learn how you can be involved in empowering abortion-vulnerable women to choose life in Aurora!

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Your Donation’s Lifetime Impact

Unique Patients Served
Pregnancy Tests
Births and Counting