
Waterleaf Women’s Center is our pregnancy clinic dedicated to meeting the needs of abortion-minded women in DuPage and the surrounding counties. We provide a variety of services to holistically serve these women who often have nowhere else to go. When women know they have support and resources, they more often than not choose life because they feel empowered to do so.

Pregnancy Testing

Many women come to us because they’re scared they might be pregnant. They may have missed a period or experienced other pregnancy symptoms and want to know for sure. The first thing we provide is pregnancy testing.

This is more than offering a free pregnancy test, though. We provide the test and then talk with women about what a pregnancy means for their life right now. Many are so overwhelmed and scared and need a safe place to process their fears and emotions. Our client advocates provide that safe space in our clinic.


If a woman receives a positive pregnancy test, the next step we offer is a free ultrasound. This is a needed service medically to help her understand how far along she is, where the pregnancy is located, and if the pregnancy is viable. All of these are important factors as she not only processes the fact that she’s pregnant, but considers her options moving forward.

An ultrasound is important for another reason, too. This is often her first “introduction” to her baby. The moment when a woman sees her baby on the ultrasound screen has been described as the moment when heaven meets earth, because it’s in that moment she sees and connects to the reality of the life inside her. After seeing the ultrasound, most women choose life even if they’re still scared and uncertain how they’ll make everything work.

Options Counseling

We provide options counseling to every woman who wants it. This is where we talk about each of the options a woman could choose – abortion, adoption, and parenting. We make it clear we do not provide or refer for abortions, but we do provide education and accurate information about abortion, including the potential risks and side effects involved.

By helping women understand their options, we empower them to make a fully-informed choice. And because we do not financially benefit from a woman’s decision, she is able to receive the information we provide in a judgment-free, non-pressuring environment. After seeing an ultrasound and hearing about their options, many women choose life.

Limited STD Testing & Treatment

We started providing limited STD testing and treatment shortly after our ministry began as a way to provide another service that would let women know who we are and how we can serve them. It’s obviously important for women and men to know about the risks and dangers of STDs, and we can provide the testing and treatment in our caring offices. This is a way to build relationships and trust in the community that will expand our reach and ability to serve more women.

Post-Abortion and Grief Healing

Finally, we also provide post-abortion and grief healing to women who have had abortions. Whether the abortion happened last week or years ago, we can help women process the grief that culture says they shouldn’t feel after their abortions. Many women don’t understand that problems they face today are directly related to an abortion decision in their past and have found freedom, healing, and hope as a result of their time working with us through their grief.

Abortion Pill Reversal

A Second Chance to Choose Life

Women often regret their abortion and sometimes that regret sets in right away. Waterleaf will now be able to give women who have begun a chemical abortion a second chance to choose life!

We are thrilled to announce Waterleaf has joined the Heartbeat International Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APRN)! This mission of APRN is to provide a supportive alternative to women who have taken mifepristone (RU-486) or another abortifacient drug and have decided they would like to try to continue their pregnancies by reversing the effects of that drug

The Abortion Pill Reversal Protocol (APR) is a cutting-edge application of a time tested, FDA approved treatment used for decades to prevent miscarriage or preterm birth. It involves emergency, ongoing doses of progesterone to counteract the effects of the first abortion pill. Using the APR to reverse the effects of mifepristone, triples the chances of a live birth. The success rate for the Oral APR is 68%.

As a provider in the APRN, Waterleaf’s medical team has been trained and certified in APR. This protocol involves the immediate and ongoing administration of progesterone. Additionally, Waterleaf will conduct immediate and ongoing ultrasounds to monitor the continuing viability of the pregnancy. In addition to these medical services, patients will receive ongoing support, resources, and education through ASPIRE. All medication, ultrasounds, and support services are free of charge to our patients.

For those seeking to reverse a chemical abortion, the goal is to begin the Abortion Pill Reversal Protocol within the first 24 hours of taking the first abortion pill. Women seeking these services can directly contact Waterleaf by phone, text, or simply walk into the clinic. They may also call the Heartbeat International Hotline where a nurse will assess the patient’s situation and connect them with a provider in their local area. Whether through direct contact or through a hotline referral, the Waterleaf team is posed to begin serving the patient immediately.

Your Donation’s Lifetime Impact

Unique Patients Served
Pregnancy Tests
Births and Counting