Mission and Vision

“If you want to learn about a culture, listen to their stories. If you want to change the culture, change the stories”.

~Michael Margolis

Every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy feels their life, their story, is spinning out of control. But the reality is those are the moments when their story can be redeemed and they see themselves, and their child, as part of God’s bigger plan, His Story.

Our mission is to be the chosen destination for women facing an unplanned pregnancy, transforming their fear into confidence, by addressing their physical, spiritual and emotional needs, and equipping them to make healthy, life-affirming decisions. 

That’s why we minister to every woman, and man, struggling with an unplanned pregnancy who walks through our doors, regardless of their background or story. We don’t just meet their basic necessities of medical and material needs, we meet them in their story, letting them see they are created in God’s image and part of God’s bigger story.  

“I went to Waterleaf to confirm I was pregnant. When I was pregnant they helped me explore all of my options in full, not forcing me one way or the other. I had an ultrasound and everyone in the room with me was making sure I was okay and my baby was okay and healthy letting me know everything they were doing before they did it. I felt so safe and as if the road ahead wasn’t going to be too scary because I knew Waterleaf was there and amazing.” – Lisa*

By focusing on the relationship we become their “choice” for education and information when scared and unsure about their future facing an unexpected pregnancy; encouraging, empowering, and equipping ​them with the tools they need to succeed!

We are changing lives by changing stories. 

Waterleaf is a Christ-based organization and adheres to the magisterial teachings of the Catholic Church.

*Name changed to protect privacy

Your Donation’s Lifetime Impact

Unique Patients Served
Pregnancy Tests
Births and Counting